Prototypes for demo sites - Second batch
Deliverable “D8.5. Prototypes for demo sites - Second batch” is a report that contains details of the manufacturing and the technical feasibility checking works of the complete batch of BIPV and BOS products, intended to be installed in the project’s demo sites. D8.5 includes the second batch of products manufactured, those not reported in “D8.4. Prototypes for demo sites - First batch”. In this sense, D8.5 can be considered as an update of D8.4.
Results of installation and commissioning for every demo site
This document is conceived as a brief report that includes the processes followed and their corresponding results achieved so far for the successful consecution of the demonstration installations in the frame of PVSITES project. The document basically includes a short description of the installation, permitting and commissioning actions undertaken to carry out the market replication of the products and systems developed in the project. On the other hand, real pictures of the installation works and the final result of the systems have been chosen to suitably illustrate the explanations.
Structure, contents and operation mechanisms of BIPV products portfolio –Third Version -
The present document constitutes the fourth deliverable on PVSITES BIPV products portfolio. All the products and families of products demonstrated in the project will form part of a BIPV products portfolio which will be available in different formats. A first implementation will consist in an online matrix whose elements will be each product and its related information. Secondly, each product will be turned into a BIM object (WP7) and will constitute an input data for the BIPV software tool to be developed in WP7. Third, the collection of products and product information will be the basis for dissemination materials (physical catalogues, flyers, etc.), to be developed in WP9. This deliverable gathers the necessary contents about the products, after the three previous deliverables (D2.6, D2.7, D2.8) in which the structure of the portfolio was established and the information available at M24 was gathered. This document is the last update of the products information
Lessons learnt in PVSITES BIPV installation process: acceptance and use of BIPV elements
This document is a description of the difficulties encountered in executing the demonstrators, in particular, those related to the acceptance and use of the BIPV elements (as opposed to normal construction elements). The document basically includes a short description of the installation process, emphasizing the lessons learnt in permitting and commissioning, and, finally, the lessons learnt in the design and installation of BIPV Systems. Besides, the real pictures of the installation works and the final results of the systems come to suitably illustrate the explanations.
Result of modelling and BIPV strategies for every demo site
This document comprises the modelling description and simulation results of the different demo buildings in terms of (1) thermal performance using ENERGYPLUS, (2) electricity generation using PVSITES BIPV modelling tool and (3) economic performance using PVSITES planning tool. The objective of the presented analysis was to evaluate the different alternatives proposed in subtask 8.1.2 regarding BIPV integration, electrical layout configuration, and operation strategy to support the final selection of the most suitable one. However, it is important to note that final design was mostly determined by other constraints, like the availability of commercial battery packs for selected storage capacities.
Report - Prototypes for test benches and experimental building
This document sums up the delivered CIGS-based prototypes for test benches, experimental buildings and demo sites. An overview on the type of modules delivered, number of modules and delivery month is given. The changes compared to the initial proposal (estimation at proposal stage) are summed up. Six products were developed. More than 800 prototypes were delivered to testing at demo sites and installed.
Report: Prototypes for demo sites -First batch-
This document reports on the manufacturing works and technical feasibility of the first batch of BIPV (Building Integrated Photovoltaics) and BOS (Balance of System) products intended to be installed in the project’s demo sites. An update of this reporti will be soon availbale in the website.
Report: Structure contents and operation mechanisms of BIPV products portfolio (Second Version)
This second version constitutes the last deliverable on PVSITES BIPV products portfolio. All the products and families of products demonstrated in the project will form part of a BIPV products portfolio which will be available in different formats. A first implementation will consist in an online matrix whose elements will be each product and its related information. Secondly, each product will be turned into a BIM object and will constitute an input data for the BIPV software tool being developed by PVSITES. Third, the collection of products and product information will be the basis for dissemination materials (physical catalogues, flyers, etc.). This report gathers the necessary contents about the products, after two previous project deliverables in which the structure of the portfolio was established and the information available gathered.
Report: Design pack for every PVSITES demo site
This report includes a complete characterization of the final modules and demo-systems design through a descriptive definition in the core document and a detailed “design pack” consisted of a Module Datasheet and several Technical Guidelines per demo.
Report: Templates for a technical description of the PVSITES BIPV products portfolio. 2nd version
This second version collects, using the templates prepared in its first version, the information about the PVSITES products portfolio. The templates here presented will be used to publish information about the products online, to implement the products as BIM objects in the PVSITES software tool, and to produce the final product portfolio.